In a unique artistic presentation, Ensemble Arts Philly and the Schubert Organization present “Girl From The North Country,” written...
Author Flisadam PointerPosted on
Elmiene has gotten too big for his breeches. But as an artist on the rise, that’s a delightful issue....
Author Raquelle "Rocki" HarrisPosted on
Victoria Monet performs her Jaguar Tour in Detroit Photo Credits: Antonia Seegars of @shotsofton Victoria Monét’s Jaguar tour...
Author Flisadam PointerPosted on
K. Michelle is trotting over to the greener pastures of country music. Her final R&B album, ‘I’m The Problem,’...
Author Flisadam PointerPosted on
With the release of Leon Thomas’ new debut album, ‘Electric Dusk,’ featuring the standout single “Breaking Point,” it is...
Author Jessica L. DupreePosted on
Billboard Magazine Chart-Topping R&B singer J Brown delivers his sophomore album “The Art of Making Love” alongside the video...
Author Flisadam PointerPosted on
For the past five years, recording artist Jon Vinyl has locked himself in a basement in Toronto to finetune...